Plus, you can try and get the drop on the enemy. Because all the tunnels are wire you can see all the other players, meaning you never get the sense that a firefight is going on just out of sight. The top of the tower captures the two things that make this level fun.
At the centre is an octagonal stack which stretches up about three stories with internal ladders letting you scale its height. The bulk of the level is constructed out of wire mesh tunnels, meaning that you can always see the drop below you. That was the first thing I did in Unreal Tournament’s DM-Mobius and that was the first thing I did in XXM’s Event Horizon. If you build a floating level then I will want to see what happens when I jump off it. I appreciate a level designer who recognises their players’ wants. I’ve changed the level’s time from night to day to make it easier to see its structure.